Monday, June 20, 2011

Another day on the sceptr'd isle, thank you very much, Lilly Grant people. Today's big adventure was to hit the Tower of London, and while it is one of the most touristy, packed, and expensive attractions in London, it really doesn't do not to visit it if you go.

A lot to take in between the architecture and the exhibitions in the White Tower. The Crown Jewels were impressive, but what I will really remember is the gigantic golden cistern, which could hold 144 bottles of wine in it. I wonder how much it weighed. Little chance of anyone sneaking that one out in his pocket. Better just to pick up a crown in the gift shop.

I crossed over the Tower Bridge (London Bridge is actually the nondescript-looking one one down) and walked along the South Bank. I passed the HMS Belfast, took a look at the gift shop of the Globe Theater, and then went through the Tate Museum of Modern Art. I saw Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Picasso, and a bunch of cool-looking stuff I didn't understand, but I was surprised to see Monet's Water Lillies there. But okay.

Tomorrow I have a tour at the Milestone Hotel at 1 Kensington Court, an appointment I set up earlier this year in order to look at a posh hotel I could never stay at, but one Bingo Elkins would stay at as a matter of course. (Of course, he'll never put up Klog at a place like that again!)

Lastly, a hilarious card I saw today. You can find a lot of funny, if coarse, stuff over at


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