Sunday, September 25, 2011

II December 1940: Germany Marginal Victory

The weather abruptly clears for the last turn, and this meant that air strength for the first time in two months would not be halved. The Germans sent out 18 separate missions, going after airbases and destroyers in port, sinking 2 destroyers and destroying 3 air units on the ground out of 13 missions. They also did daylight terror bombing raids on East London and Bristol, hoping to draw the RAF away from protecting their airbases.

The Germans played fast and loose with their air units this turn, no longer having to worry about future group reductions. The British, on the other hand, having one final turn, did not have that luxury. As a result, the Germans piled up 9 VP's in their turn alone, and 10 more as a result of RAF group reductions.

Nevertheless, the British still had a chance to pull out a draw. They sent 6 sorties against German shipping at Bergen, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam, but were placing their main hopes on sinking the heavily damaged Hipper and Schlesien at Cuxhaven, North Germany. A sinking of either would have cut the gap. The sinking of both would have secured the draw.

The Whitley 5's couldn't get the job done, blowing the rolls.

The game ends with Germany with 276 VP's and UK 132, a 2:1 marginal victory.

So what are the results of this battle? The Royal Navy had been extremely damaged, its ability to protect shipping perhaps critically impaired. The Royal Air Force held its own against the Luftwaffe, but did not deliver the crushing blow they had accomplished in real life.

Destruction of the Royal Navy and RAF were a requirement of any invasion, so a spring attempt seems unlikely, given the ability of Britain to reequip during these months. So the Isles would be safe.

But what about the U-Boat wolfpacks? With a strained Navy, protecting shipping lanes and supplying Operation Compass in Egypt would be way difficult. Does Beda Fomm happen if the English are out of supply? And even if it had, the Afrika Korps would have loved to have taken their "armored reconnaissance" against such a foe. Tobruk would have surely fallen at the least, and with the supply line intact, the road to Cairo would have been a lot easier and quicker.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I December 1940

British destoyers flee to Belfast.

With the invasion scrapped, the remainder of the game will be a scrounging for victory points. The weather continues crappy, both navies have sought refuge in safe harbours, air power is halved, and the British desperately want to force a draw.

For the Germans, the objectives will be to bomb UK destroyers in port and to conduct raids on RAF airbases. Every destroyer sunk will net 2 VP's, while every RAF group reduction (4 like squadrons destroyed over friendly territory, 3 over enemy-controlled) results in 5 VP's per.

Meanwhile, the Brits will attempt to inflict as many air losses on the Luftwaffe as they can (for the enemy group reduction bonus), and to sink as much German shipping as possible. This is complicated by the fact that, anticipating this plan, the Germans have rebased a majority of their shipping to Bergen, Norway, along with their torpedo boats. As a result, all such bombing raids will be at 1/3 strength due to the extended range. A small amount of shipping is still available for targeting at Rotterdam, but because the city is so heavily protected by anti-aircraft (coincidentally AA units to be transported to Bergen), the raids are extremely dangerous.

The turn started out well for the UK, what with a 10 VP German group reduction bonus left over from II November. It would be the only points the British would earn for the turn. The Germans sunk two destroyers in raids, one at Great Yarmouth and one at Harwich.

German shipping flees to Bergen.

Not a good 2 weeks for the RAF. Despite registering 6 aborts on German air units, they suffered 5 aborts and 6 kills at the hands of the Luftwaffe and a stiffening air defense over Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

The good news? If the game ended now, the Germans would have 257 points v. 131 for the British. This would be a draw, and considering how the Germans were flirting with a decisive victory early on...not bad!

The bad news? There's one more turn left, and the Germans can take big risks with their air units, as they won't have to worry about any further group reductions. The British, however, have to be careful...they do.

Friday, September 23, 2011

II November 1940: Bluedes Wetter!

All hopes of invasion are dead. After six weeks of rotten weather, the weather got rottener. Storms and rough seas force ships at sea to engage at secondary range, allowing the weight of Royal Navy destroyers to become a factor in the battle.

Check out that awesome home-built dice tower!

In the air, the Germans were successful, pounding British destroyers in the North Sea to the tune of 6 sunken ships. At sea, the British, unable to contend with the heavier German ships, were still able to make hay by attacking the German destroyers, torpedo boats, and the light cruiser Eugen--32 VP's in all. The loss of the remaining German destroyers is a critical blow to the Kriegsmarine, and although the British lost over 3 times as many, in a familiar refrain--they can afford it.

Air attacks on air bases continued, with the Luftwaffe registering 6 aborts and 4 kills, while the RAF in turn forced 8 aborts and 2 kills. At one point of the British turn, the once-impressive German VP ratio had dwindled to a draw (220:12), but a late sinking of the HMS Renown, trying to escape to the safety of Iceland brought the total back to a marginal victory.

Still, there is a very real possibility the good guys might live to fight another day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

15 July 2011: This Wooden O

On my third trip to the Globe, I visited the Globe Museum. What fun it was! It was packed with props and goodies from prior performances. For instance, here we have the three boxes from The Merchant of Venice. Here's a hint: take the lead one.

Avenge me, Hamlet! Will do, pop, but only if you lend me that kick-ass armor of yours.

Outside the theater there are stones inscribed with the names of some fairly famous donors. These two are to be found right outside the entrance. Close by you can also find a stone inscribed with "The Dark Lady," someone clearly having some fun by referencing the famed Dark Lady of the sonnets.

The gift shop is also pretty flipping cool. I bought a "Doctor Faustus" t-shirt, but I would have loved to snag the following hoodie, which quotes Henry VIII:

My wife would have loved to have the following tee celebrating Macbeth. Out, out, damn spot! Maybe if you soak it in selzer water and then wash it in cold water.

I bought a DVD of a Globe performance of Romeo and Juliet. Seriously, I wanted pretty much everything in the gift shop, being such an Anglophile/English Geek/Fan of the Bard.

Thanks, Globe Theater, for helping me to laugh at love again!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I November 1940: Invasion Averted

Thanks to six straight weeks of crappy weather, the invasion scare has seemed to have abated.

Having learned their lesson from earlier in the year, the Royal Navy refused to throw away their destroyers in an attempt to close with the Germans. But a second task force entered Deadly Sea Zone 13 in the North Sea, sinking both the cruisers Nurnberg and the Scharnhorst (thanks to the sacrifice of the last of the British coastal subs), racking up 18 victory points in a half-turn. The UK lost the Hood and Resolution, also losing 18 victory points, despite the fact they were both battleships. The disparity is owed to the fact that the Royal Navy is far more able to suffer losses than the Kriegsmarine. The third sea battle between the two forces was technically a draw (or possibly a marginal RN victory), with the Germans withdrawing.

In the air, the Germans tried a different tack, seeking to terror-bomb cities outside the protection of the UK air shield. The net result was a meager 3 victory points, hardly worth the cost of aircraft. It didn't help that the poor weather halved air power, forcing the Germans to send twice the number of craft to achieve the same effects they got in August.

Far more effective was the Luftwaffe's attack on air units at their bases. Each hit on an inoperative unit results in a kill, which could ultimately lead to a group reduction penalty of 5 victory points, given enough hits.

In the UK turn, the RAF continued to throw bombers at the shipping in the Netherlands, gaining 3 VP, but at a heavy cost: 2 x Wellington 1C bomber squadrons lost, 1 x Hampden bomber squadron aborted, and two more bomber squadrons turned back by both AA and the new German night fighters.

Less successful was Britain's ambition cross-channel attacks on German airbases. Hoping to give the Jerries a taste of their own medicine. 2 x Messerschmidt 109E's were destroyed and another was aborted, but at the cost of a Spitfire-1 squadron eliminated and four more fighter squadrons aborted.

The end result of the turn? 26 VP's for the UK and 26 for the Germans. A draw, but enough to reduce the Germans' victory level from a major victory to a marginal one. Basically the difference between the German victory over France and the German victory over Norway.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

II October 1940: North Sea Battle II

The Germans and British duke it out again at sea, this time in the mine-laden seas close to Hamburg. Despite the rough seas forcing the two sides to engage at intermediate range instead of primary, it was immediately apparent that a majorly damaged battlecruiser would not be sufficient to give their destroyers cover. The encounter was cut off after two rounds, and despite sinking the Scheer, another German naval victory was assured at the cost of the HMS Repulse, the HMS Southampton, and two more destroyers.

Another crappy two weeks of weather seems to have closed the window on a German invasion, however. There was a 50% chance of decent enough weather for the two October turns, but in November the chances of seas calm enough to unload forces onto British beaches drops to 33%, and in December, 17%. Had the Germans started invasion planning after their first meetings about it in late May, there would have been a full month more of prep time.

Another factor working against the Germans was the lack of shipping available to mount and maintain an invasion. Some of it was sunk during the Norwegian invasion and the disastrous naval actions at the River Platte. As it stood, the Germans couldn't assemble enough to mount a realistic effort until late September, with the weather turning the very next turn.

The already-damaged HMS Rodney was sunk in the Channel this turn by Junkers 88A and Dornier 17Z bombers, while two destroyers were trying to sneak through the Dover straits by the coastal artillery at Calais.

In the British turn, the Germans sink an additional two ships, the HMS Cardiff and the HMS Coventry, but British subs sink 5 German destroyers and 2 torpedo boats, losses the Kriegsmarine can scarcely endure. This was done at the cost of a mere 3 British subs. This scuffle occurred in the Dover Straits; perhaps the Germans were feeling a bit invincible after their previous successes. It has since prompted the Germans to move their shipping from Calais to the Netherlands, indicating that they have abandoned the idea of a two-coast invasion (Kent and East Anglia). If the Germans deactivate their Junkers-52's in Paris in favor of additional bombers or fighters, it will be a strong indication that Operation Sea Lion has been canned permanently.

In the air, the British sought to rack up some points by terror bombing the Ruhr. In a word, ineffective. 2 victory points ineffective.

All in all, the British had their best turn to date, scoring a hefty 30 victory points, but the Germans notched 59. This brings their totals to 48 and 162, respectively, a 3:1 margin for the Germans, which would constitute a major victory.

What would be the historical ramifications of a major German victory in the Battle of Britain? The best the Germans could appear to hope for, barring invasion, would be to force Britain to sign an armistice, but it seems unlikely the British would have ever pursued this option, no matter how bad things got.

Still, the incredible losses the Royal Navy has suffered would have a disastrous effect on their already-strained ability to protect merchant shipping in the Atlantic. Bear in mind that the Germans were no longer bottled up in the North Sea thanks to victories over Norway and France.

The Americans, already declaring a national emergency in June 1940 to protect Western shipping, and aggressively pushing Lend Lease measures to the tune of 50 overage destroyers in September, could hardly be expected to stand by while the British slowly starved to death in isolation. Could Roosevelt push his country even harder toward war with the Germans? Or would the political resistance be too strong?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I October 1940

The weather started getting rough; the tiny ship was tossed...

What the Royal Navy and RAF seemed to be unable to prevent, the weather gods took up. Air strength in rough weather is halved, and just in time. This turn, the Luftwaffe sank the HMS Manchester, and the coastal guns of Calais sent the HMS Newcastle to the bottom of the Dover straits.

The Germans, due to a lack of targets more than anything else, took to terror bombing London in earnest, padding their victory point total, which is currently inching toward a decisive victory. (119:26)

The UK has recalled the HMS Resolution and three destroyers to pad their depleted naval ranks, and a second confrontation at sea in the mine-filled waters near Emden and Hamburg seems inevitable.

With five turns remaining and victory seemingly out of reach for the British, a strange strategy seems to be presenting itself to the good guys: allow the Germans to mount an invasion in order to successfully repulse it. The defeat of the invasion would net the UK 70 points, enough to force a draw.

But would the Germans take the bait? The difficulty of sustaining an overseas supply line is a prohibitive factor, and could lead to the marooning of German divisions without significantly impacting the victory point total. Right now, the Germans have battered the British to the point where they can pretty much coast to victory, barring stupid mistakes.

Strategically, an invasion of the Isles could be unwise. Even a successful invasion might be disastrous in the long run; American entry into the war might result in control of the sea zones around the islands, effectively stranding the forces there.

Still, an invasion would be cool...

On the other hand, the Italians have sent 4 air squadrons, so you know it's pretty much over, right?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

II September 1940: Invasion Imminent?

In the worst naval defeat since Cartagena de las Indias in 1741, sixteen ships including the HMS Sheffield are sunk by the Kriegsmarine in the North Sea between East Anglia and the Netherlands.

How did this happen? A combination of German air supremacy and extraordinarily bad decision-making by the British.

Operating without battleship cover (their battleships had been hit hard in recent turns by the Luftwaffe), the British flotilla interposed itself to thwart an invasion, hoping to get inside the gunnery range of the Scheer, Schlesig-Holstein and Schlesien. This did not happen, and the Sheffield was sunk before they could close.

In real life, Churchill admitted that England would have sacrificed its navy to thwart an invasion attempt, but this bordered on the Charge of the Light Brigade. The disaster has forced the UK to recall several battleships from the Atlantic and Gibraltar in order to protect the home country, and it's interesting to speculate how this would affect the war.

The good news is that the German navy has to resupply to escort the invasion force, and in order to do that, they must sail back to Germany, go to port, and return. This means that an invasion will begin no earlier than late October or even November, and there is a good chance that by that time, the weather will make an invasion attempt prohibitive. The Royal Navy will be able to reassemble some sort of counterforce by this time (the beastly coastal guns of Calais notwithstanding), and the RAF bombing of German shipping will continue.

If the battle ended right now, it would be somewhere between a major and decisive German victory.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Here and There in London

Nothing extraordinary here today, just a few shots of random London.

It was fun to gain an expertise taking the Underground. You will read about how polite Londoners are on the Tube, but be careful around rush hour, because people will often not move down into the train, or push to get onto an already-full car. Count on it, in fact. Glad I experienced it, but I wonder what it would have been like to have acquired a bicycle for the summer.

I got really excited when I saw Harvey Wallbanger in a Can in a convenience store. I mean, here's my favorite drink, and it's in a can, so perfect, right?

It was rancid. Avoid it at all costs.

Saw this silver cow creamer in Mayfair. 100 pounds. I sneered at it, a la Jeeves and Wooster.

Finally, a McLaren was on sale in Kensington for only 192,000 pounds. Can you take a test drive? No. Can you enter the showroom and get a closer look? Not without an appointment. The Ferrari shop across the street was the same.

Sometimes in life you just can't catch a break.