Thursday, July 14, 2011

The National Portrait Gallery

Went to The National Portrait Gallery this morning after typing out nearly 1K on Ghosty 3 in nearby Trafalgar Square. (Hoping some of the Britishness rubs on my characters.)

What was cool about the NPG? Number one was the Romantic painting of George Gordon, Lord Byron. I have got to get me an Albanian costume. Also, pretty much all of the other big shot writers I love had portraits there, too...Coleridge, Keats, Cassandra Austen's portrait of her sister Jane...of course, there were the famous Warhols of Liz Taylor and Mick Jagger, too...I was told that going to the NPG is like looking through someone else's yearbook, but I disagree. It's like looking through a history book of famous English figures in history, art, music, literature, and popular culture. Pretty cool, and at 3 stories, it won't kill your knees, either.

Lots of sculptures, too. There's a cool one of Darwin, and one of Tennyson that makes him look like Santa. There's a painting of Bernard 'Monty' Montgomery pointing at Normandy that just oozes smugness. Well done, painter!

I bought a ticket to go see 'Anne Boleyn' at The Globe on Saturday. It's a matinee, and it's a groundling ticket. Don't know the show at all, but I can hardly wait. (AnnieB is Henry VIII's 2nd wife, the first to be executed.)

I also visited the Museum of London (free). Some cool stuff about the Anglo-Saxons and the Great Fire, but if you're interested in 20th century London, you're much better off going to the Imperial War Museum. Still, pretty cool for free. AND it's right next to the original wall of Londinium outside, so there's that. Well, rubble of it anyway. It's been like 2000 years.

Well...back to writing!

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