The hot days of summer are upon us, and humidity covers us like a wet blanket. It's days like these that make a trip to the library a true pleasure, what with their AC and all the books.
Picked up a copy of Raymond Chandler's short stories. I've always wanted to do a private detective, and although I don't expect to get to him until later in the year, it's always cool to do research. Also picked up a copy of the latest Smithsonian magazine--there's an article about ancient Mayan ruins. Nifty!
A week from Wednesday I fly for London. My girlfriend is helping me pack, which is awesome, and I've put together an itinerary of the places I want to hit. Over the next few months I plan to post some of my photos on this blog.
Last night I saw the BBC remake of Sherlock Holmes. It takes our fave Baker Street characters and reimagines them as cast-together flatmates in modern London. Holmes has become a police consultant/web businessman, beset by crippling boredom and a withering disdain for the intellects of the people around him. Dr. Holmes, like his predecessor, is still a veteran of Afghanistan, is a brilliant doctor, a crack shot, and somewhat troubled by his experiences in the war. He also has accumulated a following on his own blog recounting Holmes's adventures. The show makes good use of CGI to follow Holmes's incredible deductions, but the clever patter and plotting is the real star. Professor Moriarty is excellently cast, and his whimsical, comic approach is a great counterpoint to the serious, acidic Holmes. Finally, the music does seem inspired by the recent Downey/Jude Law film, but overall, a fun time. I look forward to more, and encourage Anglo-philes out there to check it out.
I've thrown in the towel on trying to format my e-books myself. It's something I'd tried to pick up, and while I've no doubt gotten better at it, they're still not looking the way I want them to. So...I'm going to stimulate the economy a bit and outsource that labor, freeing myself up for writing. I'm not exactly running my business ('Ghosty Enterprises') at a profit here, but darnit! I have to use my time more efficiently. Besides, what's a day job for, if not to pay for expenses like these?
Speaking of which, I secured something very important for my trip this summer: a fedora! It's an authentic Indiana Jones-style fedora, and I love it. It's 100% wool, and it retains its shape. My #1 son is intensely jealous of it, and as well he should be! It's cool. Now I need to get a hat rack in order to fling it, frisbee-style. The girlfriend does not approve me flinging it across the house, or indoors, for that matter.
Don't oppress me and my hat, woman!
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